Things To Know About A Standard Chartered Credit Card

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Submitted by: Maxjn Nielsen
Standard Chartered Online Banking is just one company in a rapidly growing internet banking service industry that has simply revolutionized the way we conduct our personal financial business. They offer an array of features, including reports, transactions, history and many other account related information. You can use your home computer or cell phone to do your mobile banking any time and from anywhere you have access to the internet. It is extremely convenient and needless to say, online banking is definitely easier than having to stand in line at the teller’s window. But caution is still advised, even when using the secre Standard Chartered online banking service to access your accounts. Along with the good comes bad as well and there are many out there that try pretty hard to access your personal financial information.
Standard Chartered online banking services definitely have the advantage being physically present at the local branch office, and it can be both a safe and secure way to handle your financial transactions. So, what do you need to do?
Here are several steps you really do need to follow to keep your personal financial information out of the hands of folks that have no business getting it:
1) The most important thing to remember is to never give out your online banking user ID and password to anyone. Even if a bank employee asks for it you must never do so.
2) If you receive an email with a link in it that leads to your bank’s website – Ignore it! This is a tactic called phishing that may direct you to a website that will take your login information to gain access to your financial accounts. It may even look exactly like your bank’s website, so always use your direct online banking website URL to access your account. Never click an email link and then sign in to your online banking account. Really!
3) Always use your personal computer to use online banking services. Never use a shared computer as there is a possibility that your ID will be stolen.
4) It’s a good idea to clear your browser history, cookies and any saved passwords after you complete your online banking session. And it is a must-do if you used a friend’s standalone computer – which isn’t recommended anyway (see #3 above).
5) As noted above, keep your username and password to yourself. If you cannot commit it to memory, then keep it in a secure place. Do not write it down where it can be found easily.
6) Always, always, always log off the site once you completed your banking transactions. If you don’t, then the connection stays live (even though you are no longer using it), and the all the other precautions you took above will be of little value to you until the site finally times the connection off.
These simple guidelines will help you have a safer and smoother online banking experience with Standard Chartered. The Standard Chartered Online Banking service in itself is very safe, so you have nothing to worry about if you follow the above guidelines.
About the Author: Max Nielsenis always looking for great investments and online banking opportunities. For more info, see
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