The Facts About Solar Heating

Submitted by: Tyler Newcome
Using the sun’s energy to warm water is one of the oldest ways to generate hot water. The suns energy is a broad technology in particular sunny climates, however recently the progress in solar energy has made it viable and an inexpensive solution for even the cold weathered areas such as Nothern Europe. Eco-friendly solar thermal collectors are one of the cleanest ways to heat domestic water, which can then be used for baths, showers and kitchens.
Due to solar thermal systems proving effective in both cost and carbon emissions for decades, some countries have made the installation of them compulsory (recently spain joined the list).
Europe exports the most solar thermal systems, due to the vast amount of manufacturers. Fundamentally Europe are producing the better quality solar panels than other countries. Exactly like any other construction product, consumers need to make sure that their solar panels are tested to European standard EN12975 and certified by a reputable institution.
one of the common misconceptions about solar panels, is that the Uk does not supply enough sun energy for the solar panels to be as effective as other countries, yet the UK gets around 65-70% of the sun in Spain. This type of sun energy is enough to install an solar thermal system, and for it to operate efficiently.
A suitably designed solar water heating system can supply 50% – 60% of your twelve-monthly domestic hot water requirements (e.g. shower, bath, and kitchen). Essentially solar panels can provide up to 90-100% of household hot water during the summer, yet in the winter the boiler works less by pre-heating the water, which in turn preserves energy, prolongs the life of the boiler and essentially reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases.
Converting light absorbed into hot water is done within the solar system. Major savings can still be made on a particularly cloudy day, due to the diffused light pre-heating the water in the cylinder.
The backup systems within your heating system, if vital (e.g. your boiler) will progress the temperature of the already warm water, to your preferred temperature.
On stretched summer days, the length of exposure to the diffused light is a major benefit. Even if the summer does not haves heaps of sun, but alternatively overcast days, the fact that the days are longer helps heat the water to high levels.
Solar thermal systems need round about 2 days to install. Nevertheless this depends upon the type of property it is being installed on, type of roof etc.
The installation is done swifty by the engineer, so that disturbance to the house is limited.Hot water is typcially up and running within a few hours, nevertheless the normal routine of the home is not disrupted during the installation.
As explained above, installations vary in price due to distinctive circumstances such as roof complexity, loft access etc. An existing 3-4 bedroom should, generally cost around 3,500- 5,000 as a general guide.
Solar Solutions are great for any type of home, whether big or small due to the energy efficiency levels. Plus grants are out there which make it easier for home owners to attain a green home, for a fraction of the price.
About the Author: To find out more about solar heating and solar solutions please visit
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