Penis Exam By You Penis Examination And Self Penis Test}

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Penis Exam by You – Penis Examination and Self Penis Test
John Dugan
It is recommended that you carry out a penis and genital self-examination at least once a month to eliminate the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases and other potentially life changing illnesses, such as cancer.
When performing a penis test and genital self-examination you should focus on your inner thighs, penis and testicles. The easiest way to carry out a penis and genital self-examination is in front of a mirror, and immediately after you have a shower or bath, as your skin is more relaxed and the warmth will enhance any skin discolorations.
In order to carry out a penis test and genital self-examination follow these steps:
1. Inspecting the Skin Firstly, inspect your penis, testicles and inner thighs by looking over each area in detail. Take your time and look for any skin abnormalities, such as dry or chaffed skin, sores, ulcers, or any other blemishes. If you notice anything that is unusual, make a note of the location and the type of skin condition, so that you can notify your health professional.
2. Groin Examination Next, gently press around your groin area using your index and forefinger (first two fingers after your thumb). Take note of any pain that you may be feeling. Then use all of your fingers to gently feel for any lumps in the groin. This can be done by moving your fingers in a circular motion over the area. You are feeling for any lumps that are bigger than a grain of rice, and are hard to the touch. Bumps or swellings may indicate an infection.
3. Penis Self-examination Once you have finished examining your groin move on to your penis. Do this by placing your thumb behind the shaft of your penis and your forefinger at the front. Make sure your hand is at the base of your penis and to the left of the shaft. Then apply gentle pressure and slowly move your hand up the shaft of your penis. When you reach the top slide your hand down the base and move it slightly to the right of your last hand action. Continue this process until you have completely tested the surface of your penis, noting any lumps or painful areas.
4. Testicle Self-examination Next, examine your testicles. To do this take one testicle in both hands and gently place your thumbs on the top of the testicle. Then using slight pressure roll your hands down the testicle. Once complete, repeat the process for the second testicle, and make a note of any swelling or bumps. Of course, it is normal to have one testicle that is larger than the other, and for you to feel the epididymis, which is a sperm carrying tube that is located at the top and back of each testicle. This tube should feel soft and rope like, and fell slightly tender when touched.
If you find any irregularities during your penis or genital self-examination it is important that you seek medical advice as soon as possible, as time, in many cases, can make all the difference to your recovery time.
The best way to keep your penis in optimal health, especially if you lead an active sex life, including masturbation, is to have a regular care program in place. This penis health care program should include the use of a penis specific health crme such as Man1 Man Oil.
Regular use of a penis specific vitamin crme maintains the appearance of your penis and allows your penis to function well. And continue with a routine of a penis test and genital self-examination, to check for any illness that may impair sexual function and overall health.
John Dugan writes about men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing author to Manl Health. For additional information on most common penis problems and how to maintain a healthy penis, visit:
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Penis Exam by You – Penis Examination and Self Penis Test}