Papaya Supplement Can Papaya Help My Stomach Problems?

By Darrell Miller
Are you experiencing heartburn, indigestion, constipation or a feeling of uncomfortable fullness after eating? These digestive discomforts may be helped out by plants that may be available at your very own backyard. One of these medicinal plants is the Carica papaya or commonly known as Papaya which has been used safely and effectively for centuries already.
Most individuals are not well-informed about the health benefits of the Papaya plant. Papaya is a flavorful tasting fruit with a bright peach to orange-colored flesh with several tiny black seeds at the center. Studies reveal that consuming a medium-sized papaya fruit can provide you a days recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. More studies are also being done to show the relationship between daily consumption of papaya fruit or papaya supplement and a longer healthy life.
If you cannot access a freshly-picked papaya, papaya supplements are available which is equally safe and effective with the fruit. One major health benefit of Papaya is proven with its helpful effect in the digestive system. We all know that the gastrointestinal tract requires enzymes for proper digestion of food and absorption of needed nutrients. Papaya contains natural digestive enzymes that provide you with additional benefits in the form of good protein digestion and ample supplement of certain vitamins and minerals.
Papaya has two very important enzymes needed by the digestive system, papain and chymonpapain, which both aid in the digestion of proteins. These two enzymes are most abundant when the fruit is picked green and gradually decrease in concentration as the fruit becomes ripe. However, of these two digestive enzymes, papain is the most active and most concentrated.
Papain, a proteolytic enzyme, is responsible for the breakdown of proteins. It also helps treat gastointestinal upset and heartburn most especially when used in conjunction with other digestive enzymes like amylase for carbohydrate digestion and lipase for fat emulsification and absorption. Papain, like the enzyme bromelain, also aids in the relief of diarrhea associated with proteolytic enzyme deficiency. It also promotes production of gastric acids and bile which can result to a healthier liver and pancreas.
Most stomach problems are often caused by indigestion as a result of insufficient digestive enzymes necessary for the break down and absorption of certain compounds from the food we eat. Thus, with Papaya supplement or fruit consumption which is a very good source of beneficial enzymes for protein digestion, it may help relieve those very uncomfortable gastrointestinal problems which can affect our daily living and functioning.
As mentioned above, papaya is not only a good source of important digestive enzymes but also a reliable supplement of essential vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in antioxidants and can help the breaking down of gluten. Papaya supplement contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and the water-soluble ones, vitamins C and B complex. It also includes folate, potassium, magnesium, carotenes, flavonoids and dietary fiber. In addition, this rich dietary supplement is able to counteract two of the major reasons why you look older than your age, namely oxidative stress and immune system decline.
One of the most impressive findings about this cost-effective nutritional supplement is that the plentiful nutrients found in the fruit also has the ability to keep the colon cells healthy and can help prevent colon problems.
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