Masquerade Party Ideas To Help You Create Magic And Mystery!

By Elizabeth Chastain
Masquerade balls became popular in Italy during the 16th century when aristocrats cloaked themselves with a mask and took on a new persona for the evening. This type of party has become one of the most sought after social get togethers, with growing popularity expanding worldwide. So, you might as well get on the bandwagon and prepare to host a masquerade extravaganza!
Here’s a few masquerade party ideas that would be perfect whether you’re celebrating Mardi Gras, a Sweet 16 birthday, an anniversary, a masquerade birthday party, or to help you create a prom theme that is masked in mystery and intrigue.
So, if you’re ready to glam it up, in masquerade style, then check out these fun ideas and let the preparations begin.
– Instead of mailing out a boring or dull looking invitation that won’t catch the eye of your potential guests, you might want to consider mailing out invites that are made from cardboard cut-outs of fun Venetian masks. To make them even more interesting, you could take a simple mask and embellish it with feathers, sequins, stick-on jewels, glitter, etc.
– Be sure to invite your guests to wear a mask to the party, along with dressing up in their fairy best, their stately attire of kings and queens, or they could opt to be a salty pirate. Remember, extravagance is A-Okay and in fact, is encouraged! Also, be sure to remind your guests that they need to strive to hide their identity through the use of a mask and costume.
Depending upon your budget, you can find many of these types of costumes at fancy dress shops, a costume shop, or even at thrift shops or flea markets. You just have to start early so you can pick up the necessary pieces in order to create a costume that ultimately has Wow-Factor.
– Another good idea for this kind of party is to hire a photographer to take photos of your guests as they arrive. Place this person at your entryway and create a photo-op corner with appropriate masquerade party decorations as the backdrop. The people attending the party will love posing for photos dressed in all their masquerade garb. In fact, in order to be sure you catch all those candid shots you might consider having two photographers. To cut down on the cost, you could hire budding photographers from your local high school.
– Since these parties have their roots in Italy, you might want to consider serving an array of Italian dishes. Most people love a good lasagna or chicken alfredo. Also, be sure to have plenty of bubbly on hand–Sparkling Apple Cider is always a great choice!
Bottom Line: This is one of the most fun parties to host and attend. Just think thoughts of glitz and glam with color and pizzazz. There are so many options for decorating your party areas, that the only problem you’ll have is putting on the brakes. So, go for the gusto, and your guests are sure to have a night of mystery and intrigue!
About the Author: Find additional ideas for invitations, costumes, party decor, food, and favors for your
Masquerade Party
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, a party planning website written and edited by Professional Organizer, Elizabeth Chastain. Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.
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