How Your Health Can Benefit From Cross Country Skiing

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By Morgan F Turley
Cross country skiing lacks the speed of downhill skiing but makes up for itself with its wealth of aerobic benefits. Cross country skiers use muscles in their shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, legs, and abdomen and for those just starting out, all of these muscles will definitely be sore the day after the first excursion out on cross country skis. Cross country skiers can burn as many as 900 calories in just one hour, which is due to the complete workout given by the kick and glide technique and poling motion required for skiing.
While downhill skiing is exciting and fast, cross country skiing is a lot safer and less expensive. Cross country skiing is relatively low impact and leaves the skier in more control of speed and direction. Cross country skiing equipment can be used more often as cross country skiing can be done anywhere, which is a lot friendlier to the pocketbook.
Cross country skiing doesnt require lessons, but there are some good tips to follow to get the most out of the workout and reduce the risk of injury. Beginners should resist the urge to treat the skis like snowshoes and instead glide with the skis across the snow with the body at a 45 to 65 degree angle to the ground. Once this movement is mastered, the entire body should work together in a rhythm of kicks, long glides, and poling motions that continually propel the body forward.
For those who have downhill skied prior to cross country skiing, be aware that cross country skis are longer than downhill ones, and are more narrow with less weight to them. Cross country skiing also burns a lot more calories than downhill skiing, so its important to dress appropriately for the heat that will be generated during the workout. Generally experienced cross country skiers dress in layers so they can easily take off a layer if they get too warm.
To prepare the body for cross country skiing season, its best to combine activities that strengthen the total body. Exercises like rowing and swimming work best for an upper body workout, while walking and cycling provide a good lower body workout. Preparing the body before winter arrives ensures that the body stays injury free and muscles are prepared for the workout.
Cross country skiing is a great way to work the total body while also allowing the skier to enjoy being outdoors during a season that generally keeps people stuck inside and waiting for spring. Those who do it regularly often cite improved health as the number one benefit. Not only that, but cross country skiing is a very relaxing and calming activity. While it can be made social and done with friends, its also safe enough to do solo during the winter months and allow you to see your surroundings in a different way. For those who cant afford equipment, dont forget you can generally rent these pieces to cut down on the initial costs of this great winter activity.
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