How To Pick A Girl Up Without Even Trying 3 Ways To Ensure Your Are Never Alone Again

Submitted by: Kristiao Arlidge
No more lonely nights! This is what you think over and over again as you settle in with some carry out and another night of television. Even the most well established man gets into a place where he feels as though he is sick of being alone. Yes, even those dubbed as the “eternal bachelor” find themselves in a situation where they too want to find love.
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They may be sick of flying solo or may simply be in a position where they want to share their life with somebody. Though this may seem hard to believe for your friends and family, even you get into a relationship frame of mind. So if you find that you’re sick of being alone or that you are finally ready to settle down a bit, be sure that you go about things the right way. If you want to be sure that you are never alone again, then you may need to make a few adjustments in your life or your mindset. Here are a few fundamental lessons that will keep your nights alone to a minimum.
1.Be sure that you’re looking for the right type of girl:
You’ve probably spent most of your time looking for the woman that was right for “right now”. That’s fine when you’re young or when you aren’t looking for love, but it doesn’t work if you want to ensure that you are never alone again. When trying to pick up a girl and be sure that this is the right one and not just the one for “right now”, then be sure that you are focused in on the right type of girl. Sure looks count and you’re not being honest with yourself if you say otherwise. You need to have an attraction or it won’t work, but you also have to look deeper than that. Quit thinking with only the physical part of yourself and start thinking about what it will take to get a girl that’s actually good for you and that will make you happy. Focus in on personality traits, sense of humor, and where they are at in their life-when you look beyond just looks alone you have a better chance of making it work.
2. Be committed to a relationship in your thoughts and actions:
Though you may not be thinking about a long term and loving relationship when you go to pick up a girl, this can be an important consideration for the long term. At the initial meeting or as you are focused in on picking her up, you are going to be focused on what she looks like. You do however want to maintain a relationship point of view in your approach. This doesn’t mean that you make yourself seem desperate or needy because that will immediately turn her off. This does however mean that you’re not just looking at her as another conquest for which you can take home that night and be done with tomorrow. Start changing your mindset and think of how awesome it will be when you find that girl that you actually enjoy spending time with and sharing your days with. This doesn’t mean that you’re ready to walk down the aisle, but it does mean that you are looking at potential mates a bit differently and that you’re changing your overall mindset-and this will go a long way!
3. Show that you actually care about what she has to say:
This can be something subtle or even something more obvious, but you need to show that you care. When you first meet a girl, show that you actually give a care about what she’s saying. As things progress, take the time to really listen to her and then show that you did. If she says that she loves a certain restaurant, then take her there for dinner one night. If after the first date she tells you where she works, then send her flowers as a nice gesture. These may seem like silly little things to you, but they really matter to her and will be what keeps you in it for the long term. So if you want to pick her up and actually be sure that it lasts, show that you actually care and that you do listen to her. You will never spend another lonely night in again!
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