How To Learn All There Is To Know About Guerrilla Marketing

Anthony Khoury(2013-10-16)
Marketers live and die by being able to sell their services or products successfully online or offline. Unless, you happen to be one of the lucky few who can afford to pay for top of the range marketing services or marketing agency, you have to be your own best marketer. This is where guerrilla marketing comes in. Through making use of a host of innovative marketing strategies and tools, you can virtually market for free or at a low cost.
When talking about being a guerrilla marketer, we are not saying you need to go around and pester everyone around you. The way to do this is to come across as naturally and professionally as possible. Your main aim should be to gain exposure and attract buzz along the way. This type of marketing is especially suited to small businesses who struggle with limited advertising funds.
There are however a few essential skills that a guerrilla marketer need to display when wanting to learn how guerrilla marketing may help them.
Essentials Skills Every Guerrilla Marketer Need to Know
One of the areas where you could successful live out your skills as marketer would be as a blogger. You will soon be seen as an expert in your particular field of interest. After all, not everyone knows what they should know when starting out as a guerrilla marketer. You might have to hire a designer to ensure your blog come across as professional. The graphics and photos can be uploaded from places like stock photo for a minimum fee.
Networking or collaborating with others is another way to become successful in marketing your services or products. You may want to offer to do a guest post on someone else\\’s blog. This way you will be able to reach a wider audience and get to attract more visitors to your site or blog.
If you are in the service business, it might be a good idea to offer your services on various freelance job sites like Elance or other well-known sites. When you do your profile on these sites you could easily link to your blog or site where potential customers are able to contact you personally. It is certainly one of the more effective and free ways to practice effective guerrilla marketing techniques.
Most business people would carry a business card with them. This is something you could do too. But be careful in not overselling yourself on your business card. You need to keep it simple. All you really need is your name, your email address and the service you provide. Sometimes less is more effective.
The most popular form of learning how to practice your guerrilla marketing skills would be to perfect your email skills. You could draw up a short and powerful pitch about yourself and your services. One or two paragraphs will do. Again, you want to come across as professional and not be seen as a spammer. You could even offer your prospects a link or two so they can see your work. It is all part and parcel of how to learn guerrilla marketing.
Anthony Khoury, Founder of Guerrilla Training Australia. Aspiring entrepreneur and marketer. Loves building start ups and small business in general. Just released a book called The Beach Bum Millionaire: How to build a Million Dollar Business The Lazy Way. Visit website at
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