Get Your Own Free Business Leads}

Get Your Own Free Business Leads
John E Stone
Laser Target Leads For gratis
I will show you how to produce free leads for your corporation. It doesn’t matter what your corporation is. It can be an MLM, mortgage, insurance, prepaid legal, pizza, Vemma, anything!
Some of you that know me and look at my articles know that I am an enthusiastic hunter and love to target shoot. I love to shoot targets with my bow and gun and I do have a preferred bow and gun to score with. I will address about my preferred weapons in my marketing store in a minute.
The first law of target shooting is to isolate your target. You spotyour target for both safety and precision.
Just like marketing on line you need to discover who your target is. If you don’t know who your target is, you will never create the leads you want. On line marketing is a utterly different brute than paper, radio or billboard marketing.
Many times this style of marketing is called “shotgun marketing”. They call it “shotgun marketing” for the reason that when you shoot a shotgun, many pellets go out of the end of the barrel and scatter in hit and miss patterns. You will never know exactly where your shot is going to rest. When using newspaper, billboards or radio you can not focus your plan on your planned target.
If you want to fire a target with any sum of accurateness you would want to select a rifle. A rifle, when shot, will push out a lone bullet and hit right where you aim it, if you are skilled with the rifle.
On line marketing is the equal way. You will want to pinpoint your target and use a weapon with remarkable precision.
Keyword research is your weapon of exactness and how you will detect your target.
The prospect you are trying to attain will hunt the internet using specialized key words. You found this article since I researched certain keywords like, business lead generation, cheap mlm leads, free mlm leads, you get the point.
Let’s stay with the gun analogy. Say you advertise a hand gun and it is a 32 caliber and it is brand xyz. The first point you want to do is examine keywords alliedto 32 caliber and brand xyz.
I use Google Adword Tool to conduct my study. The tool is without charge and it will give you suggestions on other greatly searched keywords linked to your initial keyword. This is a vastly powerful tool and can actually narrow down your target.
Positionyour keyword in the adword tool and ponder at the results. You will see which keywords link up to your primary keyword and you will see the amount of searches completed for those keywords, on a global scale. I began this article just researching the keyword “leads”.
Now look at the keywords with the most searches and conduct a Google search on those keywords. The keyword “leads” gave me an organic result of 170,000,000 websites competeing for that keyword. Apparently “Leads” is not an alternative to try to compete for top standing. Using the Adword Tool it showed me what words I would be able to get status with. It gave words like, internet lead generation, lead generation mlm, network marketing leads etc…
On the upper right hand corner of the screen you will see the number of results competing for that precise keyword.
I have found that I can get chief ranking when the results exhibit 10 million results or less. I have not tried keywords with over 10 million organic outcome but I will as I practice my marketing skills.
The next thing you need to do when you have the keywords you want to home in on is craft some content. Your subject matter can be a article or maybe a video. I use a mishmash of the two to dominate the keywords I pick.
Once you originate your content, you need to get it dispersed on the Internet. I use an amazing software that helps me deal out my articles to 300 various article sites. This software will get you chief ranking virtually overnight. Make sure your article contains your keyword in the title,a couple of times in the body and in your closing.
I will then make a video discussing the article I just formed. I use a delivery service that will deliver my video to an assortment of sites and I have seen top ranking in as little as two hours..
Keyword research, article marketing and distribution are my favorite weapons to hit my target accurately and consistently.
Use these weapons in your marketing armory and you will see dramatic results in your business.
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Get Your Own Free Business Leads