Causes Of Lung Cancer

Submitted by: Virtual Assistant1
Smoking Cigarette smoking is one of the main reasons of lung cancer. 90% of the cancers have been caused by use of tobacco. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, many of which have been shown to be cancer-causing or carcinogenic. The two primary carcinogens in tobacco smoke are chemicals known as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The risk of developing lung cancer decreases each year following smoking cessation as normal cells grow and replace damaged cells in the lung. In former smokers, the risk of developing lung cancer begins to approach that of a nonsmoker about 15 years after cessation of smoking.
Passive smoking Passive smoking, or secondhand smoke also referred to as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), presents another risk for lung cancer. An estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the U.S. that are attributable to passive smoking.
Asbestos fibers One of the causes of lung cancer is Asbestos. The asbestos fibers tend to become airborne and get in peoples lungs .The most common source of asbestos exposure is your work place. Nowadays asbestos use is limited and banned in some parts of world. Smoking cigarettes drastically increases the change of developing an asbestos- related lung cancer. Most often, this type of cancer does not show up until decades after been exposed to smoking.
Radon gas Radon gas, which occurs naturally in rocks and soil in certain areas, may cause lung damage and may eventually result in lung cancer if it seeps into your home. The presence of radon in the home can be measured using an inexpensive kit that can be purchased at department or hardware stores.
Prior history of lung cancer Survivors of lung cancer have a greater risk of developing a second lung cancer than the general population has of developing a first lung cancer.
Air pollution Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and power plants can raise the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals. Up to 1% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to breathing polluted air.
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