Basic Guide To Curtain And Drape Tops: How Many Types Are There?

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By Cherdkiat Taesookavat
Curtain and drape are one of the most important decorations in the house. Format and design of curtain reflects the preference and taste of the house owner. However, there are many people who still do not know about how many types of curtain and drape tops available in the market, so sometime they made wrong decision when they have to choose ones. This article will give you the basic introduction about how many types of curtain and drape tops as well as some little tips about how to choose and install them properly. There are some types of curtain and drape tops (also called curtain heading) that commonly used and available in the market, now let’s get to know them.
The Standard type
Many of home owners may familiar with this type. Standard curtain heading normally consists single one-inched tape was tied up in to a narrow heading. This type of heading is commonly used with free style curtains or with drapes that need less formality or in the corner of the house, where people not often access. The method of installation the heading is simple, normally there will be small drapes with a synthetic tape, and therefore by using this synthetic tape you do not have to tighten the curtain rod, so this is so convenient. The standard type of curtain heading suitable with dormer windows and cottage windows. They also used just half the width of the curtain. The materials that made standard curtain heading are cheap so if you have limited budget you can use this type and if you not require extremely neat and sophisticate work, the standard type probable suitable for you.
The Pencil Pleat
In case if you do not have valance or pelmet but you still want a very good looking curtain decoration style, the Pencil Pleat heading style may be suitable for you. We can find many of house and rooms that decorated by modern style furniture will use the type of heading. However, there is one important thing when you use this curtain that you must leave the space about 2/3 width of the window to make the heading and curtains look neat and match.
The Slot Pleat
This is the most simplest form of curtain headings. The heading style can be made by cutting slot in a cased header tape to feed a pole through. Even though this heading style is simple, but they provide very good look and you can even make them more attractive by allow the rest of the curtain to stand above the header tape. And again like the Pencil Pleat heading you should leave the space about 2/3 width of the window and in order to make the pleats maintain the position as well as pleasant look.
The Cartridge Pleat
Cartridge Pleat sometimes called ‘goblet pleat’. The name goblet pleat derives from the pleats that form up on the top of the heading and they look similar to the goblet glass. This type of heading is quite special and need extra material such as polyester or tissue paper to stuff into the top of each pole to make them constantly form up. This type of heading is mostly used with curtain style that need formality and you have to make the curtain stretch in full length to make it looks impressive.
About the Author: Cherdkiat Taesookavat is an architect, providing information and directories about home decor, please visit
Curtains and Drapes
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