How To Improve Roi With Returns Management Solutions

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How to Improve ROI with Returns Management Solutions
Supply chain management (SCM) spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. Organizations increasingly find that they must rely on effective supply chains, or networks, to successfully compete in the global market and networked economy. Supply chain management solutions oversee and optimize the processes of acquiring inputs from suppliers, converting those inputs into a finished product, and delivering those products or outputs – to customers fulfillment.
Revenues for supply chain vendors increased 17.6 percent from 2006 to 2007, from $5.1 billion to $6 billion, according to Gartner estimates. The larger force at work, notes Chad Eschinger, research director at Gartner, is that supply chain systems are perfect business solutions for the current economic constraints facing global enterprises.
“SCM technologies are well-positioned to address the economic realities facing worldwide markets where costs are skyrocketing while competition and customer demands are intensifying,” notes Eschinger, in the report. “During the past 18 months, we’ve witnessed businesses rediscovering the criticality of supply chain technologies to drive greater customer and supplier satisfaction through better visibility and planning.”
Returns Management, which is an integral part of the SCM process, recognizes out of date revisions and components. There are companies which are well equipped to develop appropriate disposition methodologies for their clients thus saving them the cost of warehousing stock that would have otherwise gone stale. All the operational challenges in returns management are easily managed by using returns management solutions. The returns management system is designed to specifically deal with the returns process in a logical and efficient manner. Refurbishing a vast array of products in minimal time and getting them back into the field tested and up to the desired standard of the customer is the primary focus of this process solution.
Returns management solutions , therefore allows organizations to focus on their core business while handling their infrastructure and supply chain operations efficiently. It would provide with all operational controls without the day- to-day cost overheads and stress of owning or managing those operations.
An ideal returns management solution would provide the following features.
RMA Support
1. Refurbishment
2. Repackaging
3. Disposal
Opting for returns management solutions in business reduce risks, increases flexibility, thereby enabling enterprises to not just compete in the market but lead the way.
Returns management solutions
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How to Improve ROI with Returns Management Solutions