Exfoliate Your Way To Younger Acting And Looking Skin

Submitted by: Nanci Callahan Nivolo
Our skin naturally sheds every 28 days. With age, this process slows which causes dull, tired looking skin. This process actually starts when we’re in our mid twenties. The daily use of exfoliants along with a weekly peel dissolves dead, flakey skin cells, stimulates collagen production, and builds elasticity. If your skin is continually exfoliated, it’s forced to create new cells – at a rate it did before the 28 day cycle started to slow. Exfoliation also normalizes your skin. As an Aesthetician, I’ve had clients with very dry skin, clients with adult acne, clients with large pores and uneven skin tone, wrinkled clients, clients with loss of elasticity – all of my clients have benefited from exfoliation because it works. If you can make your skin act younger, it looks younger.
What is the safest and most effective way to exfoliate? Stay away from “scrubs” that contain grainy particles – they can tear your delicate skin. A gel that contains glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, fruit acids or a combination of all four is the most effective, safe way to go. For daily exfoliation, an acid concentration of 2-5% is best. It’s important to not overdo it as over exfoliating can cause damage and reverse what you are trying to accomplish. A weekly chemical peel (glycolic, lactic, salicylic, fruit acid-or any combination thereof) at a concentration of 30% is perfect. Chemical peels over a 30% concentration should be performed by a professional only. Glycolic acid works best on wrinkles and sagging skin, lactic acid is milder and works on correcting hyperpigmentation and age spots. Salicylic acid clears breakouts and blackheads and tightens and smooths acne scars and large pores.
If you follow my advice, your skin will look younger, it will be smoother, less wrinkled, have more elasticity, be more even toned, have smaller pores, diminished age spots (hyperpigmentation), blemish free and your skin will GLOW!
About the Author: Nanci Callahan Nivolo is a Medical Aesthetician who specializes in anti-aging skin care methods, products & procedures (she is the owner of
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